
Have your Ultrasound reported by a Radiologist with decades of experience.

Superscan Obstetric Ultrasound Pregnancy

Duplex Imaging


We've been providing Ultrasound services to Sydney for decades.

Our modern Ultrasound machines are continually upgraded and provide more detailed images and greater contrast than previous generation machines.

Our Sonographers have a wide range of experience in various sub-specialties of Ultrasound, including Obstretrics and Vascular. All our Sonographers are members of the Australian Sonography Association and routinely undergo continuing professional development.


Our Ultrasound machines are routinely upgraded to modern standards. Our current generation are capable of Conventional and Duplex scanning, including Arterial and Venous Doppler.

Philips EPIQ-Elite

Scans offered

We offer a comprehensive range of Ultrasound services, including (but not limited to):
- Musculoskeletal
- Obstetric
- Breast
- Arterial and Venous Doppler
- Renal/KUB, Abdomen, Pelvis
- Interventional Procedures (Injections and Biopsies)

Almost all Medicare-eligible Ultrasound services are bulk-billed.

Superscan Ultrasound Injection